The Asymptotic Distribution of the Numerals in the Decimal Representation of the Squeres of the Natural Numbers A.S. Besicovitch — 1935 Mathematische Zeitschrift
On the fundamental geometrical properties of linearly measurable plane sets of points (II) A.S. Besicovitch — 1938 Mathematische Annalen
On the sum of digits of real numbers represented in the dyadic System. (On sets of fractional dimensions II.) A.S. Besicovitch — 1935 Mathematische Annalen
On the fundamental geometrical properties of Linearly measurable plane sets of points (III) A.S. Besicovitch — 1939 Mathematische Annalen
Sets of points of non-differentiability of absolutely continuous functions and of divergence of Fejér sums. (On linear sets of fractional dimensions III) A.S. Besicovitch — 1935 Mathematische Annalen
On the fundamental geometrical properties of linearly measurable plane sets of points. A.S. Besicovitch — 1928 Mathematische Annalen