Quantum probability, renormalization and infinite-dimensional *-Lie algebras.
In the first part of the paper we discuss possible definitions of Fock representation of the *-Lie algebra of the Renormalized Higher Powers of White Noise (RHPWN). We propose one definition that avoids the no-go theorems and we show that the vacuum distribution of the analogue of the field operator for the n-th renormalized power of WN defines a continuous binomial process. In the second part of the paper we present without proof our recent results on the central extensions of RHPWN, its subalgebras...
Motivated by the central limit problem for algebraic probability spaces arising from the Haagerup states on the free group with countably infinite generators, we introduce a new notion of statistical independence in terms of inequalities rather than of usual algebraic identities. In the case of the Haagerup states the role of the Gaussian law is played by the Ullman distribution. The limit process is realized explicitly on the finite temperature Boltzmannian Fock space. Furthermore, a functional...
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