The purpose of this paper was to prove formally, using the Mizar language, Arithmetic Mean/Geometric Mean theorem known maybe better under the name of AM-GM inequality or Cauchy mean theorem. It states that the arithmetic mean of a list of a non-negative real numbers is greater than or equal to the geometric mean of the same list. The formalization was tempting for at least two reasons: one of them, perhaps the strongest, was that the proof of this theorem seemed to be relatively easy to formalize...
Nelson algebras were first studied by Rasiowa and Białynicki- Birula [1] under the name N-lattices or quasi-pseudo-Boolean algebras. Later, in investigations by Monteiro and Brignole [3, 4], and [2] the name “Nelson algebras” was adopted - which is now commonly used to show the correspondence with Nelson’s paper [14] on constructive logic with strong negation. By a Nelson algebra we mean an abstract algebra 〈L, T, -, ¬, →, ⇒, ⊔, ⊓〉 where L is the carrier, − is a quasi-complementation (Rasiowa used...
The notion of a rough set, developed by Pawlak [10], is an important tool to describe situation of incomplete or partially unknown information. In this article, which is essentially the continuation of [6], we try to give the characterization of approximation operators in terms of ordinary properties of underlying relations (some of them, as serial and mediate relations, were not available in the Mizar Mathematical Library). Here we drop the classical equivalence- and tolerance-based models of rough...
In the article the formal characterization of triangular numbers (famous from [15] and words “EYPHKA! num = Δ+Δ+Δ”) [17] is given. Our primary aim was to formalize one of the items (#42) from Wiedijk’s Top 100 Mathematical Theorems list [33], namely that the sequence of sums of reciprocals of triangular numbers converges to 2. This Mizar representation was written in 2007. As the Mizar language evolved and attributes with arguments were implemented, we decided to extend these lines and we characterized...
In the article the formal characterization of square-free numbers is shown; in this manner the paper is the continuation of [19]. Essentially, we prepared some lemmas for convenient work with numbers (including the proof that the sequence of prime reciprocals diverges [1]) according to [18] which were absent in the Mizar Mathematical Library. Some of them were expressed in terms of clusters’ registrations, enabling automatization machinery available in the Mizar system. Our main result of the article...
Almost Distributive Lattices (ADL) are structures defined by Swamy and Rao [14] as a common abstraction of some generalizations of the Boolean algebra. In our paper, we deal with a certain further generalization of ADLs, namely the Generalized Almost Distributive Lattices (GADL). Our main aim was to give the formal counterpart of this structure and we succeeded formalizing all items from the Section 3 of Rao et al.’s paper [13]. Essentially among GADLs we can find structures which are neither V-commutative...
In this article, we continue the development of the theory of fuzzy sets [23], started with [14] with the future aim to provide the formalization of fuzzy numbers [8] in terms reflecting the current state of the Mizar Mathematical Library. Note that in order to have more usable approach in [14], we revised that article as well; some of the ideas were described in [12]. As we can actually understand fuzzy sets just as their membership functions (via the equality of membership function and their set-theoretic...
The article continues the formalization of the lattice theory (as structures with two binary operations, not in terms of ordering relations). In the Mizar Mathematical Library, there are some attempts to formalize prime ideals and filters; one series of articles written as decoding [9] proven some results; we tried however to follow [21], [12], and [13]. All three were devoted to the Stone representation theorem [18] for Boolean or Heyting lattices. The main aim of the present article was to bridge...
Rough sets, developed by Pawlak, are an important model of incomplete or partially known information. In this article, which is essentially a continuation of [11], we characterize rough sets in terms of topological closure and interior, as the approximations have the properties of the Kuratowski operators. We decided to merge topological spaces with tolerance approximation spaces. As a testbed for our developed approach, we restated the results of Isomichi [13] (formalized in Mizar in [14]) and...
In the article we present in the Mizar system [1], [8] the catalogue of triangular norms and conorms, used especially in the theory of fuzzy sets [13]. The name triangular emphasizes the fact that in the framework of probabilistic metric spaces they generalize triangle inequality [2]. After defining corresponding Mizar mode using four attributes, we introduced the following t-norms: minimum t-norm minnorm (Def. 6), product t-norm prodnorm (Def. 8), Łukasiewicz t-norm Lukasiewicz_norm (Def. 10),...
In the article we present in the Mizar system the catalogue of nine basic fuzzy implications, used especially in the theory of fuzzy sets. This work is a continuation of the development of fuzzy sets in Mizar; it could be used to give a variety of more general operations, and also it could be a good starting point towards the formalization of fuzzy logic (together with t-norms and t-conorms, formalized previously).
The article continues the formalization of the lattice theory (as structures with two binary operations, not in terms of ordering relations). In the paper, the notion of a pseudocomplement in a lattice is formally introduced in Mizar, and based on this we define the notion of the skeleton and the set of dense elements in a pseudocomplemented lattice, giving the meet-decomposition of arbitrary element of a lattice as the infimum of two elements: one belonging to the skeleton, and the other which...
Rough sets, developed by Zdzisław Pawlak [12], are an important tool to describe the state of incomplete or partially unknown information. In this article, which is essentially the continuation of [8], we try to give the characterization of approximation operators in terms of ordinary properties of underlying relations (some of them, as serial and mediate relations, were not available in the Mizar Mathematical Library [11]). Here we drop the classical equivalence- and tolerance-based models of rough...
In the article the formal characterization of preference spaces [1] is given. As the preference relation is one of the very basic notions of mathematical economics [9], it prepares some ground for a more thorough formalization of consumer theory (although some work has already been done - see [17]). There was an attempt to formalize similar results in Mizar, but this work seems still unfinished [18]. There are many approaches to preferences in literature. We modelled them in a rather illustrative...
We introduce the notion of a permanent [13] of a square matrix. It is a notion somewhat related to a determinant, so we follow closely the approach and theorems already introduced in the Mizar Mathematical Library for the determinant. Unfortunately, the formalization of the latter notion is at its early stage, so we had to prove many very elementary auxiliary facts.
We formalized some basic properties of the Möbius function which is defined classically as [...] as e.g., its multiplicativity. To enable smooth reasoning about the sum of this number-theoretic function, we introduced an underlying many-sorted set indexed by the set of natural numbers. Its elements are just values of the Möbius function.The second part of the paper is devoted to the notion of the radical of number, i.e. the product of its all prime factors.The formalization (which is very much like...
The main result of the article is the solution to the problem of short axiomatizations of orthomodular ortholattices. Based on EQP/Otter results [10], we gave a set of three equations which is equivalent to the classical, much longer equational basis of such a class. Also the basic example of the lattice which is not orthomodular, i.e. benzene (or B6) is defined in two settings - as a relational structure (poset) and as a lattice.As a preliminary work, we present the proofs of the dependence of...
Rough sets, developed by Pawlak [6], are an important tool to describe a situation of incomplete or partially unknown information. One of the algebraic models deals with the pair of the upper and the lower approximation. Although usually the tolerance or the equivalence relation is taken into account when considering a rough set, here we rather concentrate on the model with the pair of two definable sets, hence we are close to the notion of an interval set. In this article, the lattices of rough...
The article defines Liouville numbers, originally introduced by Joseph Liouville in 1844 [17] as an example of an object which can be approximated “quite closely” by a sequence of rational numbers. A real number x is a Liouville number iff for every positive integer n, there exist integers p and q such that q > 1 and [...] It is easy to show that all Liouville numbers are irrational. Liouville constant, which is also defined formally, is the first transcendental (not algebraic) number. It is...
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