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A map maintaining the orbits of a given d -action

Bartosz FrejAgata Kwaśnicka — 2016

Colloquium Mathematicae

Giordano et al. (2010) showed that every minimal free d -action of a Cantor space X is orbit equivalent to some ℤ-action. Trying to avoid the K-theory used there and modifying Forrest’s (2000) construction of a Bratteli diagram, we show how to define a (one-dimensional) continuous and injective map F on X∖one point such that for a residual subset of X the orbits of F are the same as the orbits of a given minimal free d -action.

Minimal models for d -actions

Bartosz FrejAgata Kwaśnicka — 2008

Colloquium Mathematicae

We prove that on a metrizable, compact, zero-dimensional space every d -action with no periodic points is measurably isomorphic to a minimal d -action with the same, i.e. affinely homeomorphic, simplex of measures.

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