The Tsirelson space has a unique unconditional basis up to permutation for .
We prove that the quasi-Banach spaces and (0 < p < 1) have a unique unconditional basis up to permutation. Bourgain, Casazza, Lindenstrauss and Tzafriri have previously proved that the same is true for the respective Banach envelopes and ℓ₁(ℓ₂). They used duality techniques which are not available in the non-locally convex case.
We show that if X is a non-locally convex quasi-Banach space with a rich dual, there exists a continuous function f: [0,1] → X failing to have a primitive. This answers a twenty year-old question raised by M. Popov in this journal.
We show that in a super-reflexive Banach space, the conditionality constants of a quasi-greedy basis ℬ grow at most like for some 0 < ε < 1. This extends results by the third-named author and Wojtaszczyk (2014), where this property was shown for quasi-greedy bases in for 1 < p < ∞. We also give an example of a quasi-greedy basis ℬ in a reflexive Banach space with .
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