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On a ternary Diophantine problem with mixed powers of primes

Alessandro LanguascoAlessandro Zaccagnini — 2013

Acta Arithmetica

Let 1 < k < 33/29. We prove that if λ₁, λ₂ and λ₃ are non-zero real numbers, not all of the same sign and such that λ₁/λ₂ is irrational, and ϖ is any real number, then for any ε > 0 the inequality | λ p + λ p ² + λ p k + ϖ | ( m a x j p j ) - ( 33 - 29 k ) / ( 72 k ) + ε has infinitely many solutions in prime variables p₁, p₂, p₃.

On Linnik's theorem on Goldbach numbers in short intervals and related problems

Alessandro LanguascoAlberto Perelli — 1994

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Linnik proved, assuming the Riemann Hypothesis, that for any ϵ &gt; 0 , the interval [ N , N + log 3 + ϵ N ] contains a number which is the sum of two primes, provided that N is sufficiently large. This has subsequently been improved to the same assertion being valid for the smaller gap C log 2 N , the added new ingredient being Selberg’s estimate for the mean-square of primes in short intervals. Here we give another proof of this sharper result which avoids the use of Selberg’s estimate and is therefore more in the spirit of Linnik’s...

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