We show that an n-vertex hypergraph with no r-regular subgraphs has at most 2n−1+r−2 edges. We conjecture that if n > r, then every n-vertex hypergraph with no r-regular subgraphs having the maximum number of edges contains a full star, that is, 2n−1 distinct edges containing a given vertex. We prove this conjecture for n ≥ 425. The condition that n > r cannot be weakened.
Chvátal’s Condition is a sufficient condition for a spanning cycle in an n-vertex graph. The condition is that when the vertex degrees are d₁, ...,dₙ in nondecreasing order, i < n/2 implies that or . We prove that this condition cannot hold in both a graph and its complement, and we raise the problem of finding its asymptotic probability in the random graph with edge probability 1/2.
W. He et al. showed that a planar graph not containing 4-cycles can be decomposed into a forest and a graph with maximum degree at most 7. This degree restriction was improved to 6 by Borodin et al. We further lower this bound to 5 and show that it cannot be improved to 3.
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