The unknown survival function S(t) of a random variable T ≥ 0 is considered. First we study the properties of S(t) and then, we estimate it from a Bayesian point of view. We compare the estimator with the posterior mean and we finish giving Bayes rules for linear functions of S(t).
In the first part of this work, a Survival function is considered which is supposed to be an Exponential Gamma Process. The main statistical and probability properties of this process and its Bayesian interpretation are considered.
In the second part, the problem to estimate, from a Bayesian view point, the Survival function is considered, looking for the Bayes rule inside of the set of linear combinations of a given set of sample functions.
We finish with an estimation,...
We first make a review of prior distributions neutral to the right, and then we get the Bayes rule for the survival function S(t) = 1 - F(t), with quadratic loss, with these prior distributions. We give, after that, the estimator with a special kind of processes neutral to the right, the homogeneous processes.
We get in point four the linear Bayes rule and we give there an interpretation of the parameters. We finish with a Bayesian generalization of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness of...
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