Power factorization in Banach algebras with a bounded approximate identity Graham Allan; Allan Sinclair — 1976 Studia Mathematica
Projective tensor products of C*-algebras. Allan M. Sinclair; Sten Kaijser — 1984 Mathematica Scandinavica
The C*-algebra generated by two projections. Allan M. Sinclair; Iain Raeburn — 1989 Mathematica Scandinavica
Noetherian Banach Algebras are Finite Dimensional. Allan M. Sinclair; Alan W. Tullo — 1974 Mathematische Annalen
Lifting matrix units in C*-algebras II. Allan M. Sinclair; Kjeld B. Laursen — 1975 Mathematica Scandinavica
The ideal structure of the Haagerup tensor product of C*-algebras. Allan M. Sinclair; Stephen D. Allen; R.R. Smith — 1993 Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik