A Duality Theorem for Locally Convex Tensor Products.
We determine the set of all triples 1 ≤ p,q,r ≤ ∞ for which the so-called Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequality is satisfied: There exists a constant c≥ 0 such that for each bounded linear operator , each n ∈ ℕ and functions , . This type of inequality includes as special cases well-known inequalities of Paley, Marcinkiewicz, Zygmund, Grothendieck, and Kwapień. If such a Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequality holds for a given triple (p,q,r), then we calculate the best constant c ≥ 0 (with the only exception:...
The Banach operator ideal of (q,2)-summing operators plays a fundamental role within the theory of s-number and eigenvalue distribution of Riesz operators in Banach spaces. A key result in this context is a composition formula for such operators due to H. König, J. R. Retherford and N. Tomczak-Jaegermann. Based on abstract interpolation theory, we prove a variant of this result for (E,2)-summing operators, E a symmetric Banach sequence space.
We study the following problem: Given a homogeneous polynomial from a sublattice of a Banach lattice to a Banach lattice, under which additional hypotheses does this polynomial factorize through -spaces involving multiplication operators? We prove that under some lattice convexity and concavity hypotheses, for polynomials certain vector-valued norm inequalities and weighted norm inequalities are equivalent. We combine these results and prove a factorization theorem for positive homogeneous polynomials...
Given an infinite-dimensional Banach space Z (substituting the Hilbert space ℓ₂), the s-number sequence of Z-Weyl numbers is generated by the approximation numbers according to the pattern of the classical Weyl numbers. We compare Weyl numbers with Z-Weyl numbers-a problem originally posed by A. Pietsch. We recover a result of Hinrichs and the first author showing that the Weyl numbers are in a sense minimal. This emphasizes the outstanding role of Weyl numbers within the theory of eigenvalue distribution...
Let χ(m,n) be the unconditional basis constant of the monomial basis , α ∈ ℕ₀ⁿ with |α| = m, of the Banach space of all m-homogeneous polynomials in n complex variables, endowed with the supremum norm on the n-dimensional unit polydisc ⁿ. We prove that the quotient of and √(n/log n) tends to 1 as n → ∞. This reflects a quite precise dependence of χ(m,n) on the degree m of the polynomials and their number n of variables. Moreover, we give an analogous formula for m-linear forms, a reformulation...
For the complex interpolation method, Kouba proved an important interpolation formula for tensor products of Banach spaces. We give a partial extension of this formula in the injective case for the Gustavsson?Peetre method of interpolation within the setting of Banach function spaces.
Denote by Ω(n) the number of prime divisors of n ∈ ℕ (counted with multiplicities). For x∈ ℕ define the Dirichlet-Bohr radius L(x) to be the best r > 0 such that for every finite Dirichlet polynomial we have . We prove that the asymptotically correct order of L(x) is . Following Bohr’s vision our proof links the estimation of L(x) with classical Bohr radii for holomorphic functions in several variables. Moreover, we suggest a general setting which allows translating various results on Bohr...
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