We prove that, for a compact metric space X not reduced to a point, the existence of a bilinear mapping ⋄: C(X) × C(X) → C(X) satisfying ||f⋄g|| = ||f|| ||g|| for all f,g ∈ C(X) is equivalent to the uncountability of X. This is derived from a bilinear version of Holsztyński's theorem [3] on isometries of C(X)-spaces, which is also proved in the paper.
We prove that for a suitable associative (real or complex) algebra which has many nice algebraic properties, such as being simple and having minimal idempotents, a norm can be given such that the mapping (a,b) ↦ ab + ba is jointly continuous while (a,b) ↦ ab is only separately continuous. We also prove that such a pathology cannot arise for associative simple algebras with a unit. Similar results are obtained for the so-called "norm extension problem", and the relationship between these results...
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