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The moduli space of totally marked degree two rational maps

Anupam Bhatnagar — 2015

Acta Arithmetica

A rational map ϕ: ℙ¹ → ℙ¹ along with an ordered list of fixed and critical points is called a totally marked rational map. The space R a t t m of totally marked degree two rational maps can be parametrized by an affine open subset of (ℙ¹)⁵. We consider the natural action of SL₂ on R a t t m induced from the action of SL₂ on (ℙ¹)⁵ and prove that the quotient space R a t t m / S L exists as a scheme. The quotient is isomorphic to a Del Pezzo surface with the isomorphism being defined over ℤ[1/2].

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