On functional representation of locally -pseudoconvex algebras.
Let X be a completely regular topological space and A a commutative locally m-convex algebra. We give a description of all closed and in particular closed maximal ideals of the algebra C(X,A) (= all continuous A-valued functions defined on X). The topology on C(X,A) is defined by a certain family of seminorms. The compact-open topology of C(X,A) is a special case of this topology.
Let A be an algebra over the field of complex numbers with a (Hausdorff) topology given by a family Q = {q|λ ∈ Λ} of square preserving r-homogeneous seminorms (r ∈ (0, 1]). We shall show that (A, T(Q)) is a locally m-convex algebra. Furthermore we shall show that A is commutative.
We study subalgebras of equipped with topologies that generalize both the uniform and the strict topology. In particular, we study the Stone-Weierstrass property and describe the ideal structure of these algebras.
We develop the theory of Segal algebras of commutative C*-algebras, with an emphasis on the functional representation. Our main results extend the Gelfand-Naimark Theorem. As an application, we describe faithful principal ideals of C*-algebras. A key ingredient in our approach is the use of Nachbin algebras to generalize the Gelfand representation theory.
Let X be a completely regular Hausdorff space, a cover of X, and the algebra of all -valued continuous functions on X which are bounded on every . A description of quotient algebras of is given with respect to the topologies of uniform and strict convergence on the elements of .
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