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Order by Relevance | Title | Year of publication

Envelope functions and asymptotic structures in Banach spaces

Bünyamin Sarı — 2004

Studia Mathematica

We introduce a notion of disjoint envelope functions to study asymptotic structures of Banach spaces. The main result gives a new characterization of asymptotic- p spaces in terms of the p -behavior of “disjoint-permissible” vectors of constant coefficients. Applying this result to Tirilman spaces we obtain a negative solution to a conjecture of Casazza and Shura. Further investigation of the disjoint envelopes leads to a finite-representability result in the spirit of the Maurey-Pisier theorem.

On the structure of the set of higher order spreading models

Bünyamin SarıKonstantinos Tyros — 2014

Studia Mathematica

We generalize some results concerning the classical notion of a spreading model to spreading models of order ξ. Among other results, we prove that the set S M ξ w ( X ) of ξ-order spreading models of a Banach space X generated by subordinated weakly null ℱ-sequences endowed with the pre-partial order of domination is a semilattice. Moreover, if S M ξ w ( X ) contains an increasing sequence of length ω then it contains an increasing sequence of length ω₁. Finally, if S M ξ w ( X ) is uncountable, then it contains an antichain of size...

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