Let G be a hypercentral group. Our main result here is that if G/G’ is divisible by finite then G itself is divisible by finite. This extends a recent result of Heng, Duan and Chen [2], who prove in a slightly weaker form the special case where G is also a p-group. If G is torsion-free, then G is actually divisible.
Let G be a hypercyclic group. The most substantial results of this paper are the following. a) If G/G′ is 2-divisible, then G is 2-divisible. b) If G/G′ is a 2′-group, then G is a 2′-group. c) If G/G′ is divisible by finite-of-odd-order, then G/V is divisible by finite-of-odd-order, where V is the intersection of the lower central series (continued transfinitely) of O 2′ (G).
If X is a property or a class of groups, an automorphism ϕ of a group G is X-finitary if there is a normal subgroup N of G centralized by ϕ such that G/N is an X-group. Groups of such automorphisms for G a module over some ring have been very extensively studied over many years. However, for groups in general almost nothing seems to have been done. In 2009 V. V. Belyaev and D. A. Shved considered the general case for X the class of finite groups. Here we look further at the finite case but our main...
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