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On the Hausdorff dimension of a family of self-similar sets with complicated overlaps

Balázs Bárány — 2009

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We investigate the properties of the Hausdorff dimension of the attractor of the iterated function system (IFS) {γx,λx,λx+1}. Since two maps have the same fixed point, there are very complicated overlaps, and it is not possible to directly apply known techniques. We give a formula for the Hausdorff dimension of the attractor for Lebesgue almost all parameters (γ,λ), γ < λ. This result only holds for almost all parameters: we find a dense set of parameters (γ,λ) for which the Hausdorff dimension...

Subadditive Pressure for IFS with Triangular Maps

Balázs Bárány — 2009

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We investigate properties of the zero of the subadditive pressure which is a most important tool to estimate the Hausdorff dimension of the attractor of a non-conformal iterated function system (IFS). Our result is a generalization of the main results of Miao and Falconer [Fractals 15 (2007)] and Manning and Simon [Nonlinearity 20 (2007)].

The absolute continuity of the invariant measure of random iterated function systems with overlaps

Balázs BárányTomas Persson — 2010

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We consider iterated function systems on the interval with random perturbation. Let Y ε be uniformly distributed in [1-ε,1+ ε] and let f i C 1 + α be contractions with fixpoints a i . We consider the iterated function system Y ε f i + a i ( 1 - Y ε ) i = 1 , where each of the maps is chosen with probability p i . It is shown that the invariant density is in L² and its L² norm does not grow faster than 1/√ε as ε vanishes. The proof relies on defining a piecewise hyperbolic dynamical system on the cube with an SRB-measure whose projection is the...

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