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The image of the natural homomorphism of Witt rings of orders in a global field

Beata Rothkegel — 2013

Acta Arithmetica

Let R be a Dedekind domain whose field of fractions is a global field. Moreover, let 𝓞 < R be an order. We examine the image of the natural homomorphism φ : W𝓞 → WR of the corresponding Witt rings. We formulate necessary and sufficient conditions for the surjectivity of φ in the case of all nonreal quadratic number fields, all real quadratic number fields K such that -1 is a norm in the extension K/ℚ, and all quadratic function fields.

Wild primes of a self-equivalence of a number field

Alfred CzogałaBeata Rothkegel — 2014

Acta Arithmetica

Let K be a number field. Assume that the 2-rank of the ideal class group of K is equal to the 2-rank of the narrow ideal class group of K. Moreover, assume K has a unique dyadic prime and the class of is a square in the ideal class group of K. We prove that if ₁,...,ₙ are finite primes of K such that ∙ the class of i is a square in the ideal class group of K for every i ∈ 1,...,n, ∙ -1 is a local square at i for every nondyadic i , . . . , , then ₁,...,ₙ is the wild set of some self-equivalence of the field...

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