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Spectra for Gelfand pairs associated with the Heisenberg group

Chal BensonJoe JenkinsGail RatcliffTefera Worku — 1996

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let K be a closed Lie subgroup of the unitary group U(n) acting by automorphisms on the (2n+1)-dimensional Heisenberg group H n . We say that ( K , H n ) is a Gelfand pair when the set L K 1 ( H n ) of integrable K-invariant functions on H n is an abelian convolution algebra. In this case, the Gelfand space (or spectrum) for L K 1 ( H n ) can be identified with the set Δ ( K , H n ) of bounded K-spherical functions on H n . In this paper, we study the natural topology on Δ ( K , H n ) given by uniform convergence on compact subsets in H n . We show that Δ ( K , H n ) is a complete...

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