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Exponential entropy on intuitionistic fuzzy sets

Rajkumar VermaBhu Dev Sharma — 2013


In the present paper, based on the concept of fuzzy entropy, an exponential intuitionistic fuzzy entropy measure is proposed in the setting of Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy set theory. This measure is a generalized version of exponential fuzzy entropy proposed by Pal and Pal. A connection between exponential fuzzy entropy and exponential intuitionistic fuzzy entropy is also established. Some interesting properties of this measure are analyzed. Finally, a numerical example is given to show that...

The difference matrices of the classes of a Sharma-Kaushik partition

Bhu Dev SharmaNorris Sookoo — 2004

Archivum Mathematicum

Sharma-Kaushik partitions have been used to define distances between vectors with n -coordinates. In this paper, “difference matrices” for the partitioning classes have been introduced and investigated. It has been shown that the difference matrices are circulant and that the entries of a product of matrices is an extended intersection number of a distance scheme. The sum of the entries of each row or columns of the product matrix has been obtained. The algebra of matrices generated by the difference...

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