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Application of the adaptive center-weighted vector median framework for the enhancement of cDNA microarray images

Rastislav LukacBogdan Smołka — 2003

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In this paper a novel method of noise reduction in color images is presented. The new technique is capable of attenuating both impulsive and Gaussian noise, while preserving and even enhancing the sharpness of the image edges. Extensive simulations reveal that the new method outperforms significantly the standard techniques widely used in multivariate signal processing. In this work we apply the new noise reduction method for the enhancement of the images of the so called gene chips. We demonstrate...

Self-avoiding walks on the lattice ℤ² with the 8-neighbourhood system

Andrzej ChydzińskiBogdan Smołka — 2001

Applicationes Mathematicae

This paper deals with the properties of self-avoiding walks defined on the lattice with the 8-neighbourhood system. We compute the number of walks, bridges and mean-square displacement for N=1 through 13 (N is the number of steps of the self-avoiding walk). We also estimate the connective constant and critical exponents, and study finite memory and generating functions. We show applications of this kind of walk. In addition, we compute upper bounds for the number of walks and the connective constant....

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