Geometrické modelování – od historie k současnosti a budoucnosti
In this paper, we propose a new stabilization technique for numerical simulation of incompressible turbulent flow by solving Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations closed by the SST - turbulence model. The stabilization scheme is constructed such that it is consistent in the sense used in the finite element method, artificial diffusion is added only in the direction of convection and it is based on a purely nonlinear approach. We present numerical results obtained by our in-house incompressible...
The article is devoted to the simulation of viscous incompressible fluid flow based on solving the Navier-Stokes equations. As a numerical model we chose isogeometrical approach. Primary goal of using isogemetric analysis is to be always geometrically exact, independently of the discretization, and to avoid a time-consuming generation of meshes of computational domains. For higher Reynolds numbers, we use stabilization techniques SUPG and PSPG. All methods mentioned in the paper are demonstrated...
The purpose of our work is to develop an automatic shape optimization tool for runner wheel blades in reaction water turbines, especially in Kaplan turbines. The fluid flow is simulated using an in-house incompressible turbulent flow solver based on recently introduced isogeometric analysis (see e.g. J. A. Cotrell et al.: Isogeometric Analysis: Toward Integration of CAD and FEA, Wiley, 2009). The proposed automatic shape optimization approach is based on a so-called hybrid optimization which combines...
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