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Diffusion models of multicomponent mixtures in the lung

L. BoudinD. GötzB. Grec — 2010

ESAIM: Proceedings

In this work, we are interested in two different diffusion models for multicomponent mixtures. We numerically recover experimental results underlining the inadequacy of the usual Fick diffusion model, and the importance of using the Maxwell-Stefan model in various situations. This model nonlinearly couples the mole fractions and the fluxes of each component of the mixture. We then consider a subregion of the lower part of the lung, in which we compare...

Influence of the spray retroaction on the airflow

L. BoudinC. GrandmontB. GrecD. Yakoubi — 2010

ESAIM: Proceedings

In this work, we investigate the influence of a spray evolving in the air, in the respiration framework. We consider two kinds of situations: a moving spray in a motionless fluid, and motionless particles in a Poiseuille flow. We observe that the spray retroaction may not be neglected in some situations which can really happen, for instance, when one considers rather big particles, as it is possible for polluting particles and even for some therapeutic...

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