Stability of reaction fronts in thin domains.
In this article a variational reduction method, how to handle the case of heterogenous domains for the Transport equation, is presented. This method allows to get rid of the restrictions on the size of time steps due to the thin parts of the domain. In the thin part of the domain, only a differential problem, with respect to the space variable, is to be approximated numerically. Numerical results are presented with a simple example. The variational...
Plant growth depends essentially on nutrients coming from the roots and metabolites produced by the plant. Appearance of new branches is determined by concentrations of certain plant hormones. The most important of them are Auxin and Cytokinin. Auxin is produced in the growing, Cytokinin in either roots or in growing parts. Many dynamical models of this phenomena have been studied in [1]. In [5], the authors deal with one branch model. In this work,...
The image's restoration is an essential step in medical imaging. Several Filters are developped to remove noise, the most interesting are filters who permits to denoise the image preserving semantically important structures. One class of recent adaptive denoising methods is the nonlinear Partial Differential Equations who knows currently a significant success. This work deals with mathematical study for a proposed nonlinear evolution partial differential equation for image processing. The existence...
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