On Higher Riesz Transforms for Gaussian Measures.
We study the boundedness of the one-sided operator between the weighted spaces and for every weight w. If λ = 2/p whenever 1 < p < 2, and in the case p = 1 for λ > 2, we prove the weak type of . For every λ > 1 and p = 2, or λ > 2/p and 1 < p < 2, the boundedness of this operator is obtained. For p > 2 and λ > 1, we obtain the boundedness of from to , where denotes the operator M¯ iterated k times.
We obtain weighted boundedness, with weights of the type , δ > -1, for the maximal operator of the heat semigroup associated to the Laguerre functions, , when the parameter α is greater than -1. It is proved that when -1 < α < 0, the maximal operator is of strong type (p,p) if p > 1 and 2(1+δ)/(2+α) < p < 2(1+δ)/(-α), and if α ≥ 0 it is of strong type for 1 < p ≤ ∞ and 2(1+δ)/(2+α) < p. The behavior at the end points of the intervals where there is strong type is studied...
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