In this paper the authors compare two different approaches to the second order absolute differentiation of a fibered manifold (one of them was studied by the authors [Arch. Math., Brno 33, 23-35 (1997; Zbl 0910.53014)]. The main goal is the extension of one approach to connections on functional bundles of all smooth maps between the fibers of two fibered manifolds over the same base (we refer to the book “Natural Operations in Differential Geometry” [Springer, Berlin (1993; Zbl 0782.53013)] and...
Summary: [For the entire collection see Zbl 0742.00067.]A general theory of fibre bundles structured by an arbitrary differential-geometric category is presented. It is proved that the structured bundles of finite type coincide with the classical associated bundles.
We study the prolongation of semibasic projectable tangent valued -forms on fibered manifolds with respect to a bundle functor on local isomorphisms that is based on the flow prolongation of vector fields and uses an auxiliary linear -th order connection on the base manifold, where is the base order of . We find a general condition under which the Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket is preserved. Special attention is paid to the curvature of connections. The first order jet functor and the tangent...
We deduce further properties of connections on the functional bundle of all smooth maps between the fibers over the same base point of two fibered manifolds over the same base, which we introduced in [2]. In particular, we define the vertical prolongation of such a connection, discuss the iterated absolute differentiation by means of an auxiliary linear connection on the base manifold and prove the general Ricci identity.
We study the second order connections in the sense of C. Ehresmann. On a fibered manifold , such a connection is a section from into the second non-holonomic jet prolongation of . Our main aim is to extend the classical theory to the functional bundle of all smooth maps between the fibers over the same base point of two fibered manifolds over the same base. This requires several new geometric results about the second order connections on , which are deduced in the first part of the paper.
We define the tangent valued -forms for a large class of differential geometric categories. We deduce that the Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket of two tangent valued -forms is a -form as well. Then we discuss several concrete cases and we outline the relations to the theory of special connections.
We prove that the so-called complete lifting of tangent valued forms from a manifold to an arbitrary Weil bundle over preserves the Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket. We also deduce that the complete lifts of connections are torsion-free in the sense of M. Modugno and the second author.
We study systematically the prolongation of second order connections in the sense of C. Ehresmann from a fibered manifold into its vertical bundle determined by a Weil algebra . In certain situations we deduce new properties of the prolongation of first order connections. Our original tool is a general concept of a -field for another Weil algebra and of its -prolongation.
First we deduce some general properties of product preserving bundle functors on the category of fibered manifolds. Then we study the prolongation of projectable tangent valued forms with respect to these functors and describe the complete lift of the Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket. We also present the coordinate formula for composition of semiholonomic jets.
We describe the fundamental properties of the infinitesimal actions related with functorial prolongations of principal and associated bundles with respect to fiber product preserving bundle functors. Our approach is essentially based on the Weil algebra technique and an original concept of weak principal bundle.
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