On the area function of Lusin
We use the Calderón Maximal Function to prove the Kato-Ponce Product Rule Estimate and the Christ-Weinstein Chain Rule Estimate for the Hajłasz gradient on doubling measure metric spaces.
One-sided versions of maximal functions for suitable defined distributions are considered. Weighted norm equivalences of these maximal functions for weights in the Sawyer's Aq+ classes are obtained.
In this paper we define derivatives of fractional order on spaces of homogeneous type by generalizing a classical formula for the fractional powers of the Laplacean [S1], [S2], [SZ] and introducing suitable quasidistances related to an approximation of the identity. We define integration of fractional order as in [GV] but using quasidistances related to the approximation of the identity mentioned before. We show that these operators act on Lipschitz spaces as in the classical cases....
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