L'homomorphisme de Harish-Chandra pour les paires symétriques orthogonales et parties radiales des opérateurs différentiels invariants sur les espaces symétriques
On a flat manifold , M. Kontsevich’s formality quasi-isomorphism is compatible with cup-products on tangent cohomology spaces, in the sense that for any formal Poisson -tensor the derivative at of the quasi-isomorphism induces an isomorphism of graded commutative algebras from Poisson cohomology space to Hochschild cohomology space relative to the deformed multiplication built from via the quasi-isomorphism. We give here a detailed proof of this result, with signs and orientations precised....
In this article we use the expansion for biquantization described in [7] for the case of symmetric spaces. We introduce a function of two variables for any symmetric pairs. This function has an expansion in terms of Kontsevich’s diagrams. We recover most of the known results though in a more systematic way by using some elementary properties of this function. We prove that Cattaneo and Felder’s star product coincides with Rouvière’s for any symmetric pairs. We generalize some of Lichnerowicz’s...
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