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Tutorials on Adaptive multiresolution for mesh refinement applied to fluid dynamics and reactive media problems

Christian TenaudMax Duarte — 2011

ESAIM: Proceedings

This work aims at evaluating in practical situations the capability of the mesh refinement technique based on the multiresolution adaptive method coupled with high resolution spatial and temporal approximations, to recover elementary physical mechanisms by achieving gains in both CPU time and memory use compared to single grid computations. We first present a summary of the multiresolution procedure. We then describe MR algorithms. Finally, the evaluation of the method is presented on several well...

New Resolution Strategy for Multi-scale Reaction Waves using Time Operator Splitting and Space Adaptive Multiresolution: Application to Human Ischemic Stroke *

We tackle the numerical simulation of reaction-diffusion equations modeling multi-scale reaction waves. This type of problems induces peculiar difficulties and potentially large stiffness which stem from the broad spectrum of temporal scales in the nonlinear chemical source term as well as from the presence of large spatial gradients in the reactive fronts, spatially very localized. A new resolution strategy was recently introduced that combines...

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