Discontinous Solutions of a Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equation with Unilateral Constraints.
Si ricava l'uguaglianza dell'energia per una corda vibrante contro un ostacolo puntiforme, in un caso studiato da Amerio. Non si hanno perdite di energia, e, se i vincoli sono fissi, vale il principio di conservazione dell'energia.
We give the proofs of Lemma 3 and Theorem 3 of Note I: "In the anelastic case, the number of impacts of a string vibrating against a wall is always finite".
We study the motion of a vibrating string in presence of a wall parallel to the position of the string at rest. We suppose that the impact against the wall is partially elastic or anelastic. We prove that, in the first case, if there is an impact then there is an infinity of impacts. In the second case, on the contrary, the number of impacts is always finite.
We give some counterexemples to the uniqueness of the motion of a string vibrating against a rigid wall, with suitable external forces. The impact is supposed to be elastic or partially elastic.
The new method for the dispersion of metals in molten salts has been successfully extended to fused metals (Ga and especially Al). Baths of chlorides (for Ga, Al) and fluorides (for Al) have been investigated in the range: 200° 1090° C. The dispersions are coarser than for solid metals and the settling rates higher. The particles are again positively charged and can be cataphoretically plated. The changes in the voltages of tensiometric cells, as a consequence of the formation of the dispersions,...
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