On the connectedness of the locus of real Riemann surfaces.
Let f be a germ of plane curve, we define the δ-degree of sufficiency of f to be the smallest integer r such that for anuy germ g such that j f = j g then there is a set of disjoint annuli in S whose boundaries consist of a component of the link of f and a component of the link of g. We establish a formula for the δ-degree of sufficiency in terms of link invariants of plane curves singularities and, as a consequence of this formula, we obtain that the δ-degree of sufficiency is equal to the Cº-degree...
We obtain short and unified new proofs of two recent characterizations of hyperellipticity given by Maskit (2000) and Schaller (2000), as well as a way of establishing a relation between them.
Sea X una superficie de Riemann de género g. Diremos que la superficie X es elíptica-hiperelíptica si admite una involución conforme h de modo que X/〈h〉 tenga género uno. La involución h se llama entonces involución elíptica-hiperelíptica. Si g > 5 entonces la involución h es única, ver [1]. Llamamos simetría a toda involución anticonforme de X. Sea Aut(X) el grupo de automorfismos conformes y anticonformes de X y σ, τ dos simetrías de X con puntos fijos y tales que {σ, hσ} y {τ, hτ} no son...
A closed Riemann surface which is a 3-sheeted regular covering of the Riemann sphere is called cyclic trigonal, and such a covering is called a cyclic trigonal morphism. Accola showed that if the genus is greater or equal than 5 the trigonal morphism is unique. Costa-Izquierdo-Ying found a family of cyclic trigonal Riemann surfaces of genus 4 with two trigonal morphisms. In this work we show that this family is the Riemann sphere without three points. We also prove that the Hurwitz space of pairs...
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