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State observers for nonlinear systems with smooth/bounded input

Alfredo GermaniCostanzo Manes — 1999


It is known that for affine nonlinear systems the drift-observability property (i. e. observability for zero input) is not sufficient to guarantee the existence of an asymptotic observer for any input. Many authors studied structural conditions that ensure uniform observability of nonlinear systems (i. e. observability for any input). Conditions are available that define classes of systems that are uniformly observable. This work considers the problem of state observation with exponential error...

An asymptotic state observer for a class of nonlinear delay systems

Alfredo GermaniCostanzo ManesPierdomenico Pepe — 2001


The problem of state reconstruction from input and output measurements for nonlinear time delay systems is studied in this paper and a state observer is proposed that is easy to implement and, under suitable assumptions on the system and on the input function, gives exponential observation error decay. The proposed observer is itself a delay system and can be classified as an identity observer, in that it is such that if at a given time instant the system and observer states coincide, on a suitable...

Local asymptotic stability for nonlinear state feedback delay systems

Alfredo GermaniCostanzo ManesPierdomenico Pepe — 2000


This paper considers the problem of output control of nonlinear delay systems by means of state delayed feedback. In previous papers, through the use of a suitable formalism, standard output control problems, such as output regulation, trajectory tracking, disturbance decoupling and model matching, have been solved for a class of nonlinear delay systems. However, in general an output control scheme does not guarantee internal stability of the system. Some results on this issue are presented in this...

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