We prove that extendible 2-homogeneous polynomials on spaces with cotype 2 are integral. This allows us to find examples of approximable non-extendible polynomials on (1 ≤ p < ∞ ) of any degree. We also exhibit non-nuclear extendible polynomials for 4 < p < ∞. We study the extendibility of analytic functions on Banach spaces and show the existence of functions of infinite radius of convergence whose coefficients are finite type polynomials but which fail to be extendible.
We study atomic decompositions and their relationship with duality and reflexivity of Banach spaces. To this end, we extend the concepts of "shrinking" and "boundedly complete" Schauder basis to the atomic decomposition framework. This allows us to answer a basic duality question: when an atomic decomposition for a Banach space generates, by duality, an atomic decomposition for its dual space. We also characterize the reflexivity of a Banach space in terms of properties of its atomic decompositions....
We establish Hölder-type inequalities for Lorentz sequence spaces and their duals. In order to achieve these and some related inequalities, we study diagonal multilinear forms in general sequence spaces, and obtain estimates for their norms. We also consider norms of multilinear forms in different Banach multilinear ideals.
For 1 < p < 2 we obtain sharp lower bounds for the uniform norm of products of homogeneous polynomials on , whenever the number of factors is no greater than the dimension of these Banach spaces (a condition readily satisfied in infinite-dimensional settings). The result also holds for the Schatten classes . For p > 2 we present some estimates on the constants involved.
Denote by Ω(n) the number of prime divisors of n ∈ ℕ (counted with multiplicities). For x∈ ℕ define the Dirichlet-Bohr radius L(x) to be the best r > 0 such that for every finite Dirichlet polynomial we have
We prove that the asymptotically correct order of L(x) is . Following Bohr’s vision our proof links the estimation of L(x) with classical Bohr radii for holomorphic functions in several variables. Moreover, we suggest a general setting which allows translating various results on Bohr...
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