In this paper we introduce a model to represent high-level semantic concepts that can be perceived in images. The concepts are learned and represented by means of a set of association rules that relate the presence of perceptual features to the fulfillment of a concept for a set of images. Since both the set of images where a perceptual feature appears and the set of images fulfilling a given concept are fuzzy, we use in fact fuzzy association rules for the learning model. The concepts so acquired...
The denotational semantics of a programming language which manages fuzzy data is presented. The introduction of blocks poses problems regarding transmission, both for the degree at which the work is carried out and for triangular operations necessary for the evaluation of the degrees of the fuzzy data. We propose some solutions. The possibility of defining linguistic variables is provided.
The evaluation of quantified sentences is used to solve several problems. Most of the methods proposed in the literature are not satisfactory because they do not verify some intuitive properties. In this paper we propose an extension of both possibilistic and probabilistic methods, based on the Sugeno and the Choquet fuzzy integrals respectively, for the evaluation of type II sentences, the most general kind of sentences. These methods verify good properties, and they are shown to be better than...
In this paper we deal with two problems related to imprecision in colour image segmentation processes: to decide whether a set of pixels verify the property to be homogeneously coloured, and to represent the set of possible segmentations of an image at different precision levels. In order to solve the first problem we introduce a measure of distance between colours in the CIE L*a*b* space, that allows us to measure the degree of homogeneity of two pixels p and q on the basis of the maximum distance...
Este trabajo compara la eficiencia de algunos contrastes diagnósticos para discriminar entre modelos ARIMA, y discute la utilización en este contexto del criterio de Información de Akaike (MAIC). Hemos demostrado que el MAIC equivale a un contraste F para probar si la reducción de varianza aportada por la introducción de nuevos parámetros es significativa. El nivel crítico de este contraste es variable en función del número incremental de parámetros introducidos.
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