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Another look at a model for evaluating interface aesthetics

David NgoJohn Byrne — 2001

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Gestalt psychologists promulgated the principles of visual organisation in the early twentieth century. These principles have been discussed and re-emphasised, and their importance and relevance to user interface design is understood. However, a limited number of systems represent and make adequate use of this knowledge in the form of a design tool that supports certain aspects of the user interface design process. The graphic design rules that these systems use are extremely rudimentary and often...

Modeling of distributed objects computing design pattern combinations using a formal specification language

Toufik TaibiDavid Ngo — 2003

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Design patterns help us to respond to the challenges faced while developing Distributed Object Computing (DOC) applications by shifting developers' focus to high-level design concerns, rather than platform specific details. However, due to the inherent ambiguity of the existing textual and graphical descriptions of the design patterns, users are faced with difficulties in understanding when and how to use them. Since design patterns are seldom used in isolation but are usually combined to solve...

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