In functional analysis, approximative properties of an object become precise in its ultrapower. We discuss this idea and its consequences for automorphisms of II₁ factors. Here are some sample results: (1) an automorphism is approximately inner if and only if its ultrapower is ℵ₀-locally inner; (2) the ultrapower of an outer automorphism is always outer; (3) for unital *-homomorphisms from a separable nuclear C*-algebra into an ultrapower of a II₁ factor, equality of the induced traces implies unitary...
Surjective isometries between unital C*-algebras were classified in 1951 by Kadison [K]. In 1972 Paterson and Sinclair [PS] handled the nonunital case by assuming Kadison’s theorem and supplying some supplementary lemmas. Here we combine an observation of Paterson and Sinclair with variations on the methods of Yeadon [Y] and the author [S1], producing a fundamentally new proof of the structure of surjective isometries between (nonunital) C*-algebras. In the final section we indicate how our techniques...
We examine the properties of existentially closed (-embeddable) II₁ factors. In particular, we use the fact that every automorphism of an existentially closed (-embeddable) II₁ factor is approximately inner to prove that Th() is not model-complete. We also show that Th() is complete for both finite and infinite forcing and use the latter result to prove that there exist continuum many nonisomorphic existentially closed models of Th().
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