J. Hromkovic et al. have given an elegant method to convert a regular expression of size into an -free nondeterministic finite automaton having states and transitions. This method has been implemented efficiently in time by C. Hagenah and A. Muscholl. In this paper we extend this method to weighted regular expressions and we show that it can be achieved in time.
J. Hromkovic . have given an elegant method to convert a regular expression of size into an -free nondeterministic finite automaton having states and log
) transitions. This method has been implemented efficiently in log
) time by C. Hagenah and A. Muscholl. In this paper we extend this method to weighted regular expressions and we show that it can be achieved in log
) time.
In this work we deal with tree pattern matching over ranked trees, where the pattern set to be matched against is defined by a regular tree expression. We present a new method that uses a tree automaton constructed inductively from a regular tree expression. First we construct a special tree automaton for the regular tree expression of the pattern , which is somehow a generalization of Thompson automaton for strings. Then we run the constructed automaton on the subject tree . The pattern matching...
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