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Kontrasty w użytkowaniu przestrzeni jako wynik wielowiekowej degradacji środowiska przyrodniczego – na przykładzie obszaru miasta Mysłowice (Wyżyna Śląska)

Tomasz ParuselDominik Karkosz — 2010

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica

The town Mysłowice is located in the southern mesoregions of the Silesian Upland: Katowice Upland (341.13) and Jaworzno Hills (341.14). Mysłowice terrain has been intensively used by man for centuries and still is nowadays. This process left permanent signs on the natural environment; the mosaic forms of land use are the effect of this activity, among others. In the town area contrasts are frequent – direct proximity of various land use forms is observed. Initial characterization of selected contrasts...

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