An Overview of Some Truth Maintenance Systems Mladen Stanojević; Dušan Velašević — 1995 The Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research
A Classification of Reverse Engineering Tools and Criteria for Their Evaluation and Selection Dragan Bojić; Dušan Velašević — 1999 The Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research
Reasoning with External Data Vladan Devedžić; Dušan Velašević; Zoran Božović — 1993 The Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research
Missile System Selection Based on the Fuzzy Sets Theory Dragan Z. Šaletić; Dušan M. Velašević — 2000 The Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research
Formal Specifications in Software Development: an Overview Vojislav B. Mišić; Dušan M. Velašević — 1997 The Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research