Measure algebras on locally compact groups: a case history in functional analysis E. Hewitt — 1963 Studia Mathematica
Extensions of Haar Measure and of Harmonie Analysis for Locally Compact Abelian Groups. E. HEWITT; K.A. ROSS — 1965 Mathematische Annalen
The Tannaka-Krein Duality Theorems. E. Hewitt; K.A. Ross — 1969 Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung
Fourier Multipliers for Certain Spaces of Functions. G. Ritter; R.E. Edwards; E. Hewitt — 1977 Inventiones mathematicae
The F. and M. Riesz theorem revisited. E. Hewitt; S. Koshi; Y. Takahashi — 1987 Mathematica Scandinavica
Some applications of compactness in harmonic analysis Hewitt, E. — 1962 General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra
Harmonic analysis and topology Hewitt, E. — 1972 General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra