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Boundedness properties of fractional integral operators associated to non-doubling measures

José García-CuervaA. Eduardo Gatto — 2004

Studia Mathematica

The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the behavior of fractional integral operators associated to a measure on a metric space satisfying just a mild growth condition, namely that the measure of each ball is controlled by a fixed power of its radius. This allows, in particular, non-doubling measures. It turns out that this condition is enough to build up a theory that contains the classical results based upon the Lebesgue measure on Euclidean space and their known extensions for doubling...

Lipschitz spaces and Calderón-Zygmund operators associated to non-doubling measures.

José García-CuervaA. Eduardo Gatto — 2005

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In the setting of a metric measure space (X, d, μ) with an n-dimensional Radon measure μ, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the boundedness of Calderón-Zygmund operators associated to the measure μ on Lipschitz spaces on the support of μ. Also, for the Euclidean space R with an arbitrary Radon measure μ, we give several characterizations of Lipschitz spaces on the support of μ, (α,μ), in terms of mean oscillations involving μ. This allows us to view the "regular" BMO space of X. Tolsa...

On fractional differentiation and integration on spaces of homogeneous type.

A. Eduardo GattoCarlos SegoviaStephen Vági — 1996

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

In this paper we define derivatives of fractional order on spaces of homogeneous type by generalizing a classical formula for the fractional powers of the Laplacean [S1], [S2], [SZ] and introducing suitable quasidistances related to an approximation of the identity. We define integration of fractional order as in [GV] but using quasidistances related to the approximation of the identity mentioned before. We show that these operators act on Lipschitz spaces as in the classical cases....

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