On short cycles through prescribed vertices of a polyhedral graph
Guaranteed upper bounds on the length of a shortest cycle through k ≤ 5 prescribed vertices of a polyhedral graph or plane triangulation are proved.
Guaranteed upper bounds on the length of a shortest cycle through k ≤ 5 prescribed vertices of a polyhedral graph or plane triangulation are proved.
The H-force number h(G) of a hamiltonian graph G is the smallest cardinality of a set A ⊆ V (G) such that each cycle containing all vertices of A is hamiltonian. In this paper a lower and an upper bound of h(G) is given. Such graphs, for which h(G) assumes the lower bound are characterized by a cycle extendability property. The H-force number of hamiltonian graphs which are exactly 2-connected can be calculated by a decomposition formula.
A nonempty vertex set X ⊆ V (G) of a hamiltonian graph G is called an H-force set of G if every X-cycle of G (i.e. a cycle of G containing all vertices of X) is hamiltonian. The H-force number h(G) of a graph G is defined to be the smallest cardinality of an H-force set of G. In the paper the study of this parameter is introduced and its value or a lower bound for outerplanar graphs, planar graphs, k-connected graphs and prisms over graphs is determined.
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