Semi-Stable Curves on Algebraic Surfaces and Logarithmic Pluricanonical Maps. Fumio Sakai — 1980 Mathematische Annalen
Ample Cartier divisors on normal surfaces. Fumio Sakai — 1986 Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
D -dimensions of algebraic surfaces and numerically effective divisors Fumio Sakai — 1983 Compositio Mathematica
Maximal Subbundles of Vector Bundles on a Curve. Fumio Sakai; Shigeru Mukai — 1985 Manuscripta mathematica
Hyperelliptic plane curves of type ( d , d - 2 ) . Sakai, Fumio; Salem, Mohammad; Tono, Keita — 2010 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie