Existence of solutions to p -Laplacian difference equations under barrier strips conditions. Gao, Chenghua — 2007 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) [electronic only]
Positive solutions to nonlinear first-order nonlocal BVPs with parameter on time scales. Gao, Chenghua; Luo, Hua — 2011 Boundary Value Problems [electronic only]
Existence and multiple solutions for nonlinear second-order discrete problems with minimum and maximum. Ma, Ruyun; Gao, Chenghua — 2008 Advances in Difference Equations [electronic only]
A global description of the positive solutions of sublinear second-order discrete boundary value problems. Ma, Ruyun; Xu, Youji; Gao, Chenghua — 2009 Advances in Difference Equations [electronic only]
Existence of positive solutions of a discrete elastic beam equation. Ma, Ruyun; Li, Jiemei; Gao, Chenghua — 2010 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
Existence of solutions of a discrete fourth-order boundary value problem. Ma, Ruyun; Gao, Chenghua; Chang, Yongkui — 2010 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
Spectrum of linear difference operators and the solvability of nonlinear discrete problems. Ma, Ruyun; Xu, Youji; Gao, Chenghua — 2010 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
Existence of positive solutions of nonlinear second-order periodic boundary value problems. Ma, Ruyun; Gao, Chenghua; Chen, Ruipeng — 2010 Boundary Value Problems [electronic only]
On nonresonance problems of second-order difference systems. Ma, Ruyun; Luo, Hua; Gao, Chenghua — 2008 Advances in Difference Equations [electronic only]