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A note on quasiconvex functions that are pseudoconvex.

Giorgio Giorgi — 1987

Trabajos de Investigación Operativa

In the present note we consider the definitions and properties of locally pseudo- and quasiconvex functions and give a sufficient condition for a locally quasiconvex function at a point x ∈ R, to be also locally pseudoconvex at the same point.

On constraint qualifications in directionally differentiable multiobjective optimization problems

Giorgio GiorgiBienvenido JiménezVincente Novo — 2004

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

We consider a multiobjective optimization problem with a feasible set defined by inequality and equality constraints such that all functions are, at least, Dini differentiable (in some cases, Hadamard differentiable and sometimes, quasiconvex). Several constraint qualifications are given in such a way that generalize both the qualifications introduced by Maeda and the classical ones, when the functions are differentiable. The relationships between them are analyzed. Finally, we give several Kuhn-Tucker...

On constraint qualifications in directionally differentiable multiobjective optimization problems

Giorgio GiorgiBienvenido JiménezVincente Novo — 2010

RAIRO - Operations Research

We consider a multiobjective optimization problem with a feasible set defined by inequality and equality constraints such that all functions are, at least, Dini differentiable (in some cases, Hadamard differentiable and sometimes, quasiconvex). Several constraint qualifications are given in such a way that generalize both the qualifications introduced by Maeda and the classical ones, when the functions are differentiable. The relationships between them are analyzed. Finally, we give several Kuhn-Tucker...

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