Deformations of minimal surfaces of containing planar geodesics
We study curves in Sl(2,ℂ) whose tangent vectors have vanishing length with respect to the biinvariant conformal metric induced by the Killing form, so-called null curves. We establish differential invariants of them that resemble infinitesimal arc length, curvature and torsion of ordinary curves in Euclidean 3-space. We discuss various differential-algebraic representation formulas for null curves. One of them, a modification of the Bianchi-Small formula, gives an Sl(2,ℂ)-equivariant bijection...
We consider several explicit examples of solutions of the differential equation Φ₁’²(z) + Φ₂’²(z) + Φ₃’²(z) = d²(z) of meromorphic curves in ℂ³ with preset infinitesimal arclength function d(z) by nonlinear differential operators of the form (f,h,d) → V(f,h,d), V = (Φ₁,Φ₂,Φ₃), whose arguments are triples consisting of a meromorphic function f, a meromorphic vector field h, and a meromorphic differential 1-form d on an open set U ⊂ ℂ or, more general, on a Riemann surface Σ. Most of them are natural...
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