Disconnected groups of Lie type as Galois groups. Gunter Malle — 1992 Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
Exceptional groups of Lie type as Galois groups. Gunter Malle — 1988 Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
Genus zero translates of three point ramified Galois extensions. Gunter Malle — 1991 Manuscripta mathematica
Théorèmes de Sylow génériques pour les groupes réductifs sur les corps finis. Michel Broué; Gunter Malle — 1992 Mathematische Annalen
Irreducibilty of alternating and symmetric squares. Gunter Malle; Kay Magaard — 1998 Manuscripta mathematica
On special pieces in the unipotent variety. Geck, Meinolf; Malle, Gunter — 1999 Experimental Mathematics
A database of invariant rings. Kemper, Gregor; Körding, Elmar; Malle, Gunter; Matzat, B.Heinrich; Vogel, Denis — 2001 Experimental Mathematics