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On Spectrum and Riesz basis property for one-dimensional wave equation with Boltzmann damping

Bao-Zhu GuoGuo-Dong Zhang — 2012

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper, we study the one-dimensional wave equation with Boltzmann damping. Two different Boltzmann integrals that represent the memory of materials are considered. The spectral properties for both cases are thoroughly analyzed. It is found that when the memory of system is counted from the infinity, the spectrum of system contains a left half complex plane, which is sharp contrast to the most results in elastic vibration systems that the vibrating dynamics can be considered from the vibration...

On harmonic disturbance rejection of an undamped Euler-Bernoulli beam with rigid tip body

Bao-Zhu GuoQiong Zhang — 2004

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

A hybrid flexible beam equation with harmonic disturbance at the end where a rigid tip body is attached is considered. A simple motor torque feedback control is designed for which only the measured time-dependent angle of rotation and its velocity are utilized. It is shown that this control can impel the amplitude of the attached rigid tip body tending to zero as time goes to infinity.

Riesz basis generation, eigenvalues distribution, and exponential stability for a Euler-Bernoulli beam with joint feedback control.

Bao-Zhu GuoK. Y. Chan — 2001

Revista Matemática Complutense

Using an abstract result on Riesz basis generation for discrete operators in general Hilbert spaces, we show, in this article, that the generalized eigenfunctions of an Euler-Bernoulli beam equation with joint linear feedback control form a Riesz basis for the state space. The spectrum-determined growth condition is hence obtained. Meanwhile, the exponential stability as well as the asymptotic expansion of eigenvalues are also readily obtained by a straightforward computation.

On the well-posedness and regularity of the wave equation with variable coefficients

Bao-Zhu GuoZhi-Xiong Zhang — 2007

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

An open-loop system of a multidimensional wave equation with variable coefficients, partial boundary Dirichlet control and collocated observation is considered. It is shown that the system is well-posed in the sense of D. Salamon and regular in the sense of G. Weiss. The Riemannian geometry method is used in the proof of regularity and the feedthrough operator is explicitly computed.

On Spectrum and Riesz basis property for one-dimensional wave equation with Boltzmann damping

Bao-Zhu GuoGuo-Dong Zhang — 2012

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper, we study the one-dimensional wave equation with Boltzmann damping. Two different Boltzmann integrals that represent the memory of materials are considered. The spectral properties for both cases are thoroughly analyzed. It is found that when the memory of system is counted from the infinity, the spectrum of system contains a left half complex plane, which is sharp contrast to the most results in elastic vibration systems that the vibrating dynamics can be considered from the vibration...

On harmonic disturbance rejection of an undamped Euler-Bernoulli beam with rigid tip body

Bao-Zhu GuoQiong Zhang — 2010

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

A hybrid flexible beam equation with harmonic disturbance at the end where a rigid tip body is attached is considered. A simple motor torque feedback control is designed for which only the measured time-dependent angle of rotation and its velocity are utilized. It is shown that this control can impel the amplitude of the attached rigid tip body tending to zero as time goes to infinity.

Output feedback stabilization of a one-dimensional wave equation with an arbitrary time delay in boundary observation

Bao-Zhu GuoCheng-Zhong XuHassan Hammouri — 2012

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The stabilization with time delay in observation or control represents difficult mathematical challenges in the control of distributed parameter systems. It is well-known that the stability of closed-loop system achieved by some stabilizing output feedback laws may be destroyed by whatever small time delay there exists in observation. In this paper, we are concerned with a particularly interesting case: Boundary output feedback stabilization of a one-dimensional wave equation system for which the...

Output feedback stabilization of a one-dimensional wave equation with an arbitrary time delay in boundary observation

Bao-Zhu GuoCheng-Zhong XuHassan Hammouri — 2012

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The stabilization with time delay in observation or control represents difficult mathematical challenges in the control of distributed parameter systems. It is well-known that the stability of closed-loop system achieved by some stabilizing output feedback laws may be destroyed by whatever small time delay there exists in observation. In this paper, we are concerned with a particularly interesting case: Boundary output feedback stabilization of a...

Boundary feedback stabilization of a three-layer sandwich beam : Riesz basis approach

Jun-Min WangBao-Zhu GuoBoumediène Chentouf — 2006

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper, we consider the boundary stabilization of a sandwich beam which consists of two outer stiff layers and a compliant middle layer. Using Riesz basis approach, we show that there is a sequence of generalized eigenfunctions, which forms a Riesz basis in the state space. As a consequence, the spectrum-determined growth condition as well as the exponential stability of the closed-loop system are concluded. Finally, the well-posedness and regularity in the sense of Salamon-Weiss class as...

On the dynamic behavior and stability of controlled connected Rayleigh beams under pointwise output feedback

Bao-Zhu GuoJun-Min WangCui-Lian Zhou — 2008

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We study the dynamic behavior and stability of two connected Rayleigh beams that are subject to, in addition to two sensors and two actuators applied at the joint point, one of the actuators also specially distributed along the beams. We show that with the distributed control employed, there is a set of generalized eigenfunctions of the closed-loop system, which forms a Riesz basis with parenthesis for the state space. Then both the spectrum-determined growth condition and exponential stability...

Boundary feedback stabilization of a three-layer sandwich beam: Riesz basis approach

Jun-Min WangBao-Zhu GuoBoumediène Chentouf — 2005

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper, we consider the boundary stabilization of a sandwich beam which consists of two outer stiff layers and a compliant middle layer. Using Riesz basis approach, we show that there is a sequence of generalized eigenfunctions, which forms a Riesz basis in the state space. As a consequence, the spectrum-determined growth condition as well as the exponential stability of the closed-loop system are concluded. Finally, the well-posedness and regularity in the sense of Salamon-Weiss class as...

Output feedback stabilization of a one-dimensional wave equation with an arbitrary time delay in boundary observation

Bao-Zhu GuoCheng-Zhong XuHassan Hammouri — 2012

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The stabilization with time delay in observation or control represents difficult mathematical challenges in the control of distributed parameter systems. It is well-known that the stability of closed-loop system achieved by some stabilizing output feedback laws may be destroyed by whatever small time delay there exists in observation. In this paper, we are concerned with a particularly interesting case: Boundary output feedback stabilization of a...

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