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The infimum of the least eigenvalues of all finite induced subgraphs of an infinite graph is defined to be its least eigenvalue. In [P.J. Cameron, J.M. Goethals, J.J. Seidel and E.E. Shult, Line graphs, root systems, and elliptic geometry, J. Algebra 43 (1976) 305-327], the class of all finite graphs whose least eigenvalues ≥ −2 has been classified: (1) If a (finite) graph is connected and its least eigenvalue is at least −2, then either it is a generalized line graph or it is represented by the...
In this note we prove that {0,1,√2,√3,2} is the set of all real numbers l such that the following holds: every tree having an eigenvalue which is larger than l has a subtree whose largest eigenvalue is l.
An injective map from the vertex set of a graph G-its order may not be finite-to the set of all natural numbers is called an arithmetic (a geometric) labeling of G if the map from the edge set which assigns to each edge the sum (product) of the numbers assigned to its ends by the former map, is injective and the range of the latter map forms an arithmetic (a geometric) progression. A graph is called arithmetic (geometric) if it admits an arithmetic (a geometric) labeling. In this article, we show...
Let G be a graph with Δ(G) > 1. It can be shown that the domination number of the graph obtained from G by subdividing every edge exactly once is more than that of G. So, let ξ(G) be the least number of edges such that subdividing each of these edges exactly once results in a graph whose domination number is more than that of G. The parameter ξ(G) is called the subdivision number of G. This notion has been introduced by S. Arumugam and S. Velammal. They have conjectured that for any graph G with...
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