The Upper Envelope of Piecewise Linear Functions: Tight Bounds on the Number of Faces. H. Edelsbrunner — 1989 Discrete & computational geometry
Voroni Diagrams and Arrangements. H. Edelsbrunner; Raimund Seidel — 1986 Discrete & computational geometry
Counting Triangle Crossings and Halving Planes. H. Edelsbrunner; T.K. Dey — 1994 Discrete & computational geometry
The Maximum Number of Ways To Stab n Convex Nonintersecting Sets in the Plane Is 2n - 2*. H. Edelsbrunner; M. Sharir — 1990 Discrete & computational geometry
The Complexity of Many Cells in Arrangements of Planes and Related Problems. H. Edelsbrunner; L.J. Guibas; M. Sharir — 1990 Discrete & computational geometry
The Complexity and Construction of Many Faces in Arrangements of Lines and of Segments. H. Edelsbrunner; L.J. Guibas; M. Sharir — 1990 Discrete & computational geometry
An Upper Bound for Conforming Delaunay Triangulations. H. Edelsbrunner; Tiow Seng Tan — 1993 Discrete & computational geometry
Combinatorial Complexity Bounds for Arrangements of Curves and Spheres. H. Edelsbrunner; E. Welzl; L.J. Guibas; K.L. Clarkson; M. Sharir — 1990 Discrete & computational geometry
Euclidean Minimum Spanning Trees and Bichromatic Closest Pairs. H. Edelsbrunner; E. Welzl; P.K. Agarwal; O. Schwarzkopf — 1991 Discrete & computational geometry
Diameter, Width, Closest Line Pair, and Parametric Searching. H. Edelsbrunner; B. Chazelle; M. Sharir; L. Guibas — 1993 Discrete & computational geometry
Edge Insertion for Optimal Triangulations. H. Edelsbrunner; D. Eppstein; M. Bern; S. Mitchell; T.S. Tan — 1993 Discrete & computational geometry
The Upper Envelope of Piecewise Linear Functions: Algorithms and Applications. H. Edelsbrunner; Micha Sharir; Leonidas J. Guibas — 1989 Discrete & computational geometry
Improved Bounds on Weak e-Nets for Convex Sets. H. Edelsbrunner; B. Chazelle; E. Welzl; M. Sharir; L. Guibas; M. Grigni — 1995 Discrete & computational geometry
Implicitly Representing Arrangements of Lines or Segments. H. Edelsbrunner; Raimund Seidel; Micha Sharir; Leonidas Guibas; John Hershberger; Jack, Welzl, Emo Snoeyink — 1989 Discrete & computational geometry
Points and Triangles in the Plane and Halving Planes in Space. H. Edelsbrunner; B. Chazelle; L.J. Guibas; M. Sharir; R. Wenger; B. Aronov — 1991 Discrete & computational geometry
On Arrangements of Jordan Arcs with Three Intersections per Pair. H. Edelsbrunner; Raimund Seidel; Micha Sharir; Richard Pollack; Janos Pach; Leonidas Guibas; John Hershberger; Jack Snoeyink — 1989 Discrete & computational geometry