Algorithm 68. Determination of the solution of Abel integral equations, III H. Malinowski; R. Smarzewski — 1980 Applicationes Mathematicae
A numerical method for solving the Abel integral equation H. Malinowski; R. Smarzewski — 1978 Applicationes Mathematicae
Algorithm 67. Determination of the solution of Abel integral equations, II H. Malinowski; R. Smarzewski — 1980 Applicationes Mathematicae
Numerical solution of generalized Abel integral equations by spline functions R. Smarzewski; H. Malinowski — 1983 Applicationes Mathematicae
Algorithm 65. Determination of the solution of an Abel integral equation R. Smarzewski; H. Malinowski — 1979 Applicationes Mathematicae
On the numerical solution of an Abel integral equation R. Smarzewski; H. Malinowski — 1979 Applicationes Mathematicae